Global One

Lister Butler worked with Deutsche Telekom, France Telecom, and Sprint to develop and implement a positioning and brand identity strategy for a new joint venture company — a large, complex, and decentralized organization. These three strong, respected telecommunications companies joined to establish an entirely new international company and brand, which we named Global One, to provide single-source global communications to business, telecom carrier, and consumer markets worldwide.
Lister Butler worked with Global One to develop a comprehensive brand identity system, addressing the use of Global One as a primary brand, partner brand, endorsement brand, and product brand. Brand identity policies and standards addressing all major applications were developed to facilitate implementation and management of the nomenclature and visual identity system.
Lister Butler also developed the themeline — Now your world is one — to support Global One’s positioning strategy. The positioning and identity strategy for the new joint venture company provides a platform for building strong brand recognition and understanding for the company, while also enhancing the strength, meaning, and value of the shareholders’ brands.